Sunday, October 21, 2012

My Lamb and Veggies Baby Recipe

I got this Baby Gourmet cook book from Fully Booked and found it hard to find some ingredients here in the Philippines so I searched online for substitutes that you can easily find in the grocery. The portions isn't measured but I just estimated them.

I also placed Z in her seat and let her watch me cook from afar. She seems to like watching mommy walk here and there... and Mugen too (dog).

What you'll need:
(buy only a few and you'll be able to make baby food good for a week)

Lamb (leg part) around 100 grams, cut to small cubes

French beans

Fromage fraiche
Cream frais
(both can be substituted by sour cream or all purpose cream 2 teaspoons)

sunflower oil

Prepare the veggies. Cut the turnips, brocolli, sigarilyas and zuchinni to small pieces. Make sure you clean the veggies. I used the Chicco multi-purpose disinfectant but veggie wash is also acceptable)

Top and tail the french beans. You can just use your hands to pull off a small part of both ends.

Heat a saucepan and put some sunflower oil. Brown the lamb pieces and add the brocolli and turnips, half cover with water.

Cover the saucepan and leave at med heat for 15 mins.

Add all the other veggies and cover, leave for another 10 mins.

Turn off the heat and add the cream. Mix and strain, leaving just a little liquid for blending.

Put everything in the blender and blend until your desired consistency.

Place contents in small portioned storage containers with lids. Or you can also put it in a lidded ice tray.

And that's it!

Just put it in the freezer and take only what you need per meal.

Remember not to microwave the baby food as this leaves some hot spots so you can just a put the container in warm water to thaw.

Don't worry about variation since it is recomended to feed baby a type pf food for 3-5 days to check for allergies.

This recipe is good for 6m onwards!

Now for the taste tester my connoisseur baby, and Mugen.

You can prepare other types of baby food next time and alternate them for variations.

Next up? Salmon/Sole with Spinach!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Not Only Kids Bully Each Other, Moms too!

I have recently come to the cyber world where mothers have different groups based on their interests. There are breastfeeding, cloth diapering and baby-wearing groups and forums online just to name a few. All of which are formed with the same intention: to support, release frustrations, share and become an outlet to mothers, giving them the sense that others need them, relate to them and empathize in their experiences. Sadly, it has also become a venue for motherly bullies.

For those of us who count on our groups to help us with our parenting challenges, it has become a part of a lifestyle that is indispensable. These groups have been proven to build lasting friendships and worthwhile connections since full-time and working moms alike find it hard to make time for socializing and human interaction, thus making the cyber space so reachable and accessible. Especially for most that do get the proper responses from their parenting hiccups to the extreme troubles, it is such a dismay to witness some mothers who are such "war heroes" and "extremists" who use this channel to bully the inexperienced and the weak. How come it sounds like a war of the monster moms out there?

Mom1: How can I breastfeed my baby exclusively if I only pump 2 oz per session?
Mom2: Hi, I have the same experience. I have finally come to the realization that some mothers don't have that much milk so I am mix feeding my baby formula.


Just kidding... but it does sound like that.

In fact, I heard from a friend of mine who got so stressed about not being able to breastfeed her baby because of these pressures. I, for example, would be devastated if I was in her situation and I wouldn't need another mother to tell me how I can't give the gift of breast milk to my daughter.

Problem is, we tend to forget that "Mother knows best." Not you mother, but the mother of the child. Each parenting is different as with political views and fashion senses. If a mom asks for advice, give them your piece for reference and consideration instead of imposing your beliefs and thoughts onto them making them feel inadequate and frustrated. No mother deserves to feel that way since we all do our best for our children.

Information dissemination is important so do site your sources and be open-minded enough that not all sources are factual.

RESPECT each and everyone's opinions and agree to disagree. After all, you won't die if her baby isn't using cloth diapers or if she carries her baby facing out.

With the new laws about cyber crime in the Philippines, (I don't know what it is actually but I know it has something to this effect), we must all be wary of our cyber etiquettes and remember that being a mother is one of the most difficult job description in the world. Each mother strives to be the best and it is inhumane to show them that they aren't doing their job well.

BOTTOM LINE, I find my groups so helpful and great that I hope these motherly bullies would just stop.