Sunday, September 16, 2012

Mommy Talk: decoded for new moms online!

Hey I had to keep on guessing and I had my inferences (if I be too shy to ask!)

So you're a new mom finding resources and support online only to find yourself left out and can't relate to the numerous abreviations and short terms that they're using!

Here's to get you started and we are letting you know that you are very welcome and moms like me are always happy to help!
MIL- oh how we love them! Mother-in-law
CS- ceasarian, c-section, forget about counter strike!
CD- it sings too! Of foul smell heheh Cloth Diaper
BF- well it can be boyfriend but usually its breast feed or BFing breastfeeding, no they are not cursing you
WAHM-lucky lucky Work at Home Moms
Mompreneur- A mom that does business
LO-little one
MCDP-Cloth Diapering group in FB!
IPNAP-Infant & Pediatric Nutrition Assosiation of the Philippines
GT MTP-Girl Talk/Mommy Talk Philippines! Love this FB group
FAB- Filipino Association of Baby-wearers
ISO-in search of
TIA-Thanks in advance
NB-new born
AP-attachment parenting
BD-baby dance (sex)
AF-aunt flo (menstruation)
FTM-first time mom
DD/DS/DH- dear daughter/son/husband
SAHM-stay at home mom
SAHP-stay at home parent
EBF-extended breastfeeding
EBM-expressed breast milk
BM-breast milk or bowel movement
IMHO-in my humble opinion
HTH-hope this helps
BLW-baby led weaning

These are just a few but will update whenever I encounter new ones!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Driving with Baby Zofia

So I was again without a yaya last Monday. She had to go home and have her baby baptised so I let her go on leave for 3 days. She actually went there with a full pocket and went back to us empty handed as the whole barangay came to "celebrate" the baptismal.

Monday I still had to work. I had to go to Marilao (north) and I had my daughter in her car seat. You can tell she's bored so off to sleep she went as the car is her lullaby, her cradle and her rocking chair. Going there was easy as she slept almost all the way. I had to keep her strapped at the back seat facing the rear for safety.

I hate that I forgot to install the baby mirror I bought from Zalora. And we have yet to try this out.

Coming home from Marilao, she woke up hungry. Luckily we were in Manila already and I had to stop the car and feed her. I made sure the doors were locked and that we were parked well so as not to be disturbed by passers by or motorists.

I changed her diaper and placed her back in her car seat. As I left her at the back to continue our drive home, she started shouting frantically as if she was being tortured! This girl is so persistent and I had to place her on the passenger's seat instead. Let me just tell you how dangerous this is! The airbag can go off pushing the seat forward plummeting against the seat and this can cause injury or death to the child.

Anyway, on our own risk we sat side by side happily for a few moments before the rain poured so much that it sarted to flood!

I thought that if ever we get stranded at least my baby won't go hungry! The traffic was so bad that my daughter won't stay on her seat anymore (car stops, she shouts, period) so I thought she was hungry so I took her again and tried to feed her. And guess what! She just likes to play with the steering wheel!

We went like that most of the way driving oh so slowly because of the traffic, with my 5month old baby on my lap helping me steer the wheel. Again, please don't do this, this is bad! I just can't imagine what kind of penalties I'll get if I was in the US! DUI? DWB!

But as long as she's quiet, I could drive better. After 3 hours we were home! It was such an adventure but I hope I won't have to do that often and if I do, I'd know to...

1. Install the baby view mirror
2. Have lots of toys.
3. Have handy, baby music to entertain!
4. Resist the urge to take baby off her seat!
5. Have my own snacks and water inside the car.

We have to do what we have to do!

Mommy Tiffany